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The EAAW conducts a campaign in Tanzania to promote free range chicken farming, with the aim of providing a more humane treatment of chickens. The primary objective of this movement is to guarantee that all chickens have access to an open environment, free from cages. The EAAW firmly believes that every chicken should have the opportunity to live free from confinement.

Free range chicken farming as a method of farming that allows chickens to move around freely, access natural light and fresh air, and exhibit their natural behaviours. Chickens in a free environment are less likely to suffer from health problems such as bone fractures, feather loss, and stress-related illnesses. Moreover, cage-free farming is also beneficial for the environment. It reduces the amount of waste produced by chickens, and the manure can be used as a natural fertilizer for crops. By promoting cage-free chicken farming, the EAAW hopes to inspire more farmers to adopt this humane and sustainable practice. Together, we can create a world where all animals are treated with kindness and respect.

EAAW developed theory of change thatnis paving the way on how all this will be achieved through cage free project in Tanzania.


Are you committed to avoiding products from caged chickens? Share your commitment here. 

Consuming products from caged chickens supports animal cruelty and poses health risks to customers. Many chicken breeders worldwide have transitioned from cages to free-range methods. Additionally, hospitality companies such as hotels, restaurants, and bakeries are choosing products from non-caged chickens. Join the movement to reject caged products and declare your commitment here.

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​The Amenity Paradise Hotel has announced its dedication to cage-free practices.


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Chicken released from cages


Commited to stay on free range production


Farmers abandoned their cages


People reached via social media and ordinary media

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